show cli history detail
show run | section interface
show running-config | section router bgp
show running-config | i t
show controllers t1 0/3/5 brief
show tcp brief [displays tcp sessions between routers and shows an established bgp session]
show ip protocols
show ip socket
show history all | i CMD
show otv adj
show int description
show ip nhrp
show crypto ipsec sa
show dmvpn [for bgp failover]
show ip eigrp vrf all neighbors [ASR9k XR]
show bgp vrf all summ
show ip bgp summ
show bgp instance WAN vrf [vrf name] summary
show ip arp vrf ISP-PRI [for MAC address on Comcast device]
For lwap/access points:
grep include [mac address] “show ap summary”
grep include {mac address] “show ap join stats summary all”
show spanning-tree vlan [vlan name]
show ip access-lists [interface or subinterface name (_boundary)]
show run | sec [interface or subinterface name (_boundary)]
show version
show logging »> show log
show logg | i [vrf name]
show logg | i [interface]
show vrf all
show run vrf [vrf name]
show route vrf [vrf name] ipv4 »> to dsiplay vrf routing table
show controllers [interface] phy | i “Rx|Tx” – to display light levels on IOS XR
show pim vrf [vrf name] neighbor [interface] »> to check PIM neighborship
show eigrp vrf [vrf name] neighbors »>to check eigrp neighborship on IOS XR
show users
show clock
show ntp status
show history
show arp vrf {vrf name] [interface]
show inventory »> to see hardware onboard
udld enable [aggressive]
udld port [aggressive]
Udld port disable
nslookup »> tests dns server
netstat [-a] [-b] [-e] [-n] [-o] [-p <Protocol>] [-r] [-s] [<interval>]
Displays active TCP connections, ports on which the computer is listening, Ethernet statistics, the IP routing table, IPv4 statistics (for the IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP protocols), and IPv6 statistics (for the IPv6, ICMPv6, TCP over IPv6, and UDP over IPv6 protocols). Used without parameters, this command displays active TCP connections.
dig »> tests dns functionality
show mac address-table dynamic | i [MAC address]
show mac address-table interface [Interface]
show interface status
show power inline »> to see number of available watts, watts used (consumed) and remaining watts on a switch. Also, you can remotely powercycle a device by going into interface mode on the port with the command power inline never and power inline auto
From Windows command prompt: netsh wlan show interface
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.2006]
© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\andy>netsh wlan show interface
There is 1 interface on the system:
Name : Wi-Fi
Description : Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz
GUID : 49ecb783-3260-45af-be6b-1af50ce7d64d
Physical address : 04:6c:59:06:ad:ce
State : connected
BSSID : 70:8b:cd:30:ea:20
Network type : Infrastructure
Radio type : 802.11n
Authentication : WPA2-Personal
Cipher : CCMP
Connection mode : Auto Connect
Channel : 11
Receive rate (Mbps) : 144.4
Transmit rate (Mbps) : 144.4
Signal : 99%
Profile : ASUS_20_2G
Hosted network status : Not available
show inventory
show license udi