show bgp vrf [vrf name] summary show bgp vrf [vrf name] neighbor [neighbor IP] routes show bgp vrf [vrf name] neighbor [neighbor IP] advertised-routes show controllers [interface] phy | i "Rx|Tx" – to display light levels on IOS XR show mrib vrf [vrf name] ipv4 route >>> to see multicast routing table and outgoing interfaces show mrib vrf [vrf name] ipv4 route [multicast IP] >>> to see information about a specific multicast group in the multicast routing table show rpl prefix-set [prefix set name] >>> to see a prefix-set show rpl route-policy [route policy name] >>> to see route policy show ipsla stat [sla operation name] show run ipsla operation [sla operation name] show access-list [access-list name] show class-map [class name] show policy-map pmap-name [service policy name] *example show policy-map pmap-name g0_2_0_6.36699_In show policy-map interface [interface name] To troubleshoot hardware you must be in sysadmin role with the command word admin